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You have a technology to develop in the Arctic?


We provide your company, with a cost effective, logistical and technical solutions
development and testing of new technology in the Arctic
Services & Offers
  • Testing and development before and during the field experiment

  • Polar expertise of icy and harsh condition

  • Servicing and maintenancing of autonomous equipment


An experimented team
Expert in Arctic field experiment


Nolwenn has led over 10 expeditions in Greenland including two overwinters, while developing  and testing new equipments. His technical skills and polar sailing experience make him an invaluable asset to support or manage any technology development in the Arctic region. View reference >>

Consultant in Environmental Strategy


Pauline manages and implements contractual mission on an every day basis. Her passion and energy for innovative technology to answer environmental issues make her a great partners to successfully achieve your project. View reference >>

The team expertise
Nolwenn is collecting data in Greenland during the winter for researchers using multiple instuments : CTD, ADCP, GPS
Nolwenn is maintenancing the equipment during a winter in the Arctic using his technical skills
Nolwenn is driving a hovercraft through the frozen fjord during the winter to go maintenancing the scientific equipement


  • Accoustic (Doopler, Interferometry sonar)

  • Physical Sensors (Temperature, Conductivity, Wind, Pressure, Radiometer)

  • Imagery (Time-lapse camera, Structure-from-Motion)

  • Radio frequency (GPS RTK, Iridium)

  • Inertia (Gyroscope, Accelerometer, image stabilisation)

  • Electric motor (DC, AC)

  • Hydraulic

Technical skills


  • Computing (Matlab, C++, Arduino)

  • Electrical; Electronics

  • Welding; Fiber-glass; Wood work

  • Mechanics (diesel, petrol, generators)

  • Energy management



  • Professional skipper

  • Snow mobile driver

  • Hovercraft pilot

Previous experiences
Parrot - Drone ANAFI

Parrot - Drone ANAFI

We tested, from 2015 to 2019, the various quadcopter drones from Parrot in Arctic condition with success. Some of the images taken with the drone during the test can be seen here :

Interferometry sonar

Interferometry sonar

Modification of the setting of an interferometric sonar to optimise the survey of underwater cliffs

The long night survey

The long night survey

Research campaign to evaluate the impact of the ocean on the outlet glaciers of West Greenland during summer and winter months.

Autonomous surface vehicle

Autonomous surface vehicle

Expertise during the design process and testing of an autonomous surface vehicle surveying the front of a calving glacier

Marine winch

Marine winch

Modification and adaptation of a marine winch to improve oceanographic sampling in deep fjord of Greenland during winter months

Bathymetry survey in Wales (UK) to evaluate geological structure of seabed

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